It's been a while. A lot has changed since my last post. I don't ride the 62X bus any longer due to a change in my schedule. My new bus is boring. I've searched for characters, but alas the 62X is an anomaly in our transit system.
I've debated about it for a while now (over a year) and I have decided to continue the blog, but with a different vibe due to the change in buses. More to come on that.
The big question everyone wants to know is, "What happened to Bus Gump". It is the first question people who read the blog or my Facebook posts ask. Well, the answer is a bit of a mystery that adds to the Legend of the Gump. The last morning I saw him, he was complaining about the people at the home being mean to him and giving him too much medication. He said he needed to get out of there. he said he was outside of himself. Whatever that means. I never saw him again. Like any good story, it is up to you to decide what happened to the Gump. I choose to believe that he moved in with his girlfriend and is still watching Shogun on a regular basis. In other words, I hope the little dude is happy.
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